* 2025-2026 State of Indiana guidelines coming March 2025
Indiana Residents
Voucher Program: Indiana Choice Scholarships
St. Paul's participates in Indiana's Choice Scholarship Program which provides scholarships to eligible Hoosier students to offset K-8 tuition costs. 2024 Guidelines*: In accordance with IC 20-51 and IAC 512 (4), to be eligible to receive a Choice Scholarship award. a student must have each of the following requirements.
The student must have legal settlement in Indiana.
The student must be at least five (5) years of age and less than 22 years of age on or before October 1 of the school year;
Student must be a member of a household with an annual income of not more than 400% of the amount required for the individual to quality for the federal free or reduced price lunch
So, if you live in the state of Indiana and your household income falls within the guidelines (check the chart here) you may be eligible for a Choice Scholarship. You will need to provide the previous year's Federal Tax Return Form 1040 to check your eligibility. Click the button at right for more information.
Lutheran Scholarship Granting Org.
Supplemental tuition support here at St. Paul's can also be secured though the Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization. (LSGO). The same conditions are required to apply for the LSGO and interested families need to submit an application (click download button on this page) and a copy of their previous year's Federal Tax Return Form 1040 to the Admissions Office. Students must satisfy both household income requirements and student eligibility criteria to qualify. You can also make an IN State tax-credit donation!
Beckmann Scholarship
St. Paul's Lutheran School's endowment was established in memory of former principal Waldemar H. Beckmann; this scholarship provides qualifying financial assistance to families who demonstrate need for tuition assistance and is open to all students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade. Applications (click download button on this page) must be received by the Admissions office no later than July 15th.
STPL Member Scholarships
Significant tuition-reduction scholarships are available for St. Paul's church member families who demonstrate at least 50% annual worship attendance, and fulfill all the expectations of active church membership. Contact a Pastor, your deacon, or Terri Kasper for more information.
Tuition Reduction Incentive Program (TRIP)
TRIP is a volunteer-run Scrip program (RaiseRight app) at St. Paul's where families can order gift cards at face value and a percentage of each purchase is applied against your K-8 tuition balance. Grandparents and other family members can also participate in raising funds to offset your child’s St. Paul's expenses. Full details.