Life at St. Paul's Lutheran School in Munster
Here's a snapshot of what to expect at St. Paul's— for more specific information please consult with our current Handbook or contact Mrs. Kasper.
Opening and ClosingK-8 school day begins at 8:15 am and ends at 3:15 pm.
There is an established drop-off and pick-up system by grade to maximize efficiency and has been approved by the Munster Police Department to ensure student safety. If families need supervised time for students before or after doors open and close, Extended Care is available for a reasonable fee in the Lunchroom. Dress CodeStudents at St. Paul's are not required to wear a uniform, but K-8th graders do abide by a firm dress code. Generally, a solid-colored collared polo shirt is required, with a navy blue, khaki, or blue denim skirt or pants and jeans that are not torn and respectful in length and appropriately sized. Click for a Dress Code Explainer.
Most Fridays are Spirit Days on which St. Paul's students can wear STPL spiritwear (T-shirts and sweatshirts with STPL logos.) All parts of our building campus are air-conditioned except for the gym; students should have appropriate outerwear for the weather outside since recesses are only inside during extreme cold, hot, or inclement weather. Academics & BeyondCurriculum at every level is prescribed thoughtfully and thoroughly in accordance with our National and State accreditations. There are opportunities for those who can advance faster, and Resource Teacher and Speech Therapist available for those who may need extra help. Our curriculum is available to parents; nothing is taught that is contradictory to fact and Biblical truth.
In addition to a core emphasis on reading, mathematics, science, language, social studies, spelling and grammar, students at all levels are engaged in classes in computer science, fine art, choral and instrumental music, middle school Spanish, physical education, and religion. A large gymnasium, softball field, soccer field, playground is part of our campus and designated interior spaces are set aside for lunch, art, music, foreign language, computers, a science lab, and a computerized library. Students in grades 4-8 are encouraged to participate in available intramural sports through the SSLAL. At various times throughout the year, Student Council, after-school clubs and service groups open to students may be meeting in the building. Parents in partnership with teachers can monitor student progress through online grading and billing system (FACTS.) Get to know other students and families through various fairs, dances, family nights, and sporting events throughout the year. TAP (Teachers and Parents) is an organization led by volunteers to which all parents belong. TAP supports family life at STPL through community fairs, fundraisers, yard sales and more. |
LunchesK-8 students are welcome to bring a bagged lunch (no microwave available) from home and purchase milk (cash and carry each day), OR take advantage of the Hot Lunch Program through the Town of Munster. All full-day preschool students enjoy hot lunch in the Multi-purpose Room. Kindergartners eat lunch in the Preschool Wing. 1st-8th graders eat grouped by age in the Lunch Room. Applications for free and reduced lunches can be made at any time throughout the school year. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Weller.
Security & TechAny and all visitors to the church and school must sign-in through a security door during the school day. Preschoolers play in a fenced-in grassy playground area. We have a resource officer assigned to St. Paul's from the Munster Police Department who knows us intimately.
All St. Paul's community computers, laptops, and iPads are filtered through a server firewall which is intended to prevent access to inappropriate contact on the internet. Any cell phones owned by students must be kept in lockers during school hours. Respect & ReadinessSt. Paul's is an educational family built in partnership with the child's first teacher— his parents. All children should be supported and prepared at home for well-rounded success at school: socially, academically, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Parents are expected to support faculty in the common mission of raising educated community citizens and disciples for Christ. This includes, but is not limited to: arriving on-time and in dress-code, following pick-up and drop-off procedures, taking attendance seriously, communicating appropriately with faculty and staff, and ethical behavior at home that reflects that which is expected at school.
All preschoolers are required to be potty-trained and should be exposed at home to basic fundamentals like books, crayons, scissors, glue, sharing, cleaning up after themselves, and taking care of materials. Students of any age should have an understanding of respect for authority, respect for others, and respect for ourselves, that is wholly supported at home. In this way, we can build each other up to develop and expect the best from each other in Christ. K-8 parents and pastoral staff sign a Parent Partnership Agreement to that end at the start of the school year. Church & SchoolSt. Paul's Lutheran Church and School are inextricably linked. All students receive religious instruction and our Christian faith permeates virtually all subjects and aspects of community life together. A short chapel service happens weekly, usually led by our Pastoral Team, and students in choirs are expected to support occasional weekend worship services with special music. This is a very special opportunity for families to interact with the church congregation which dedicates itself in Christian faith to the success and growth of the families in the school community.
Preschool and elementary children are encouraged to join in Sunday School fun, and Junior High students are always welcome to participate in SP Youth Group activities and service projects. Let us know how we can pray for you, or if you are in need of special counseling. Worship at St. Paul's is open to school families, and we warmly invite you to find out more about membership by talking to a Pastor or contacting the Church Office. |