Town Hall Meeting 1, Sunday January 14, 2017 Receive /Rejoice
How long can we sustain a deficit budget?
We currently use the Endowment fund as collateral for the $500,000 line of credit.
On an annual basis we are typically using in the range between $100,000 -$200,000 to meet our annual budget expenses.
In addition we also use the endowment funds for building maintenance and improvements on an annual basis.
Depending on the amount used on an annual basis the Endowment funds invested may receive a return of 8% on an annual basis. If we were to use $300,000 annually from the Endowment funds and receive an 8% investment return the funds may last 10 years.
There have been many suggestions over the years for the Endowment Fund usage.
Improve salaries
Physical plant maintenance and upkeep
Update of the HVAC for the building including air conditioning
Approximate cost of the HVAC update is $750,000
Do we mortgage, do a capital fund drive or use Endowment funds
Physical plant modernization including but not limited to
Awning and restructuring of the church entrance and drop-off
Additional Christian Symbols
Prayer Garden improvements
Building Security
Cyber Security
Replacement of the cone roof on the west side of the church
Same question when we look at building improvements how do we pay for it
Support for NWI churches and Missions
Active Evangelism Program
Town Hall Meeting 2, Sunday January 21, 2017 Rededicate
LCEF Vision Path Program
12 Traits
Imagine Phase-we need clarity and sharpness of vision
Purpose of Endowment Funds-as discussed
Rededication -Convince people of the “Why”
Inform Phase-Strategic Planning
Without a Vision everyone prefers their own preferences
Use a vision as a means for using/having standards
Relate Vision Path Goals to the budget.
Budget actions in Vision Path by each board.
Show how our budget reflects our goals
New Mortgage for Physical Plant needs
Finance through a bank for mortgage
Finance to ourselves from Endowment Fund
Stewardship growth of existing members
Stewardship growth through evangelism
Role of the District in NWI LCMS churches and operations
Role of St. Paul- Munster
Gary Churches
Bakery and Lydia house
Other Circuit 1 churches
These ministries are autonomous and not up to us to decide their future.
Long term Staff plan
Staff plan for growth
Pay and Benefit plans (Concordia Plans vs. 401K)
Town Hall Meeting 3, Sunday January 28, 2018 Renew HVAC Motion
Trustee Motion to approve the bidding process and for the work to begin the summer of 2018.
Stewardship Motion to fund the project
Both motions will be presented to voters at the February voters meeting
Where do we go from here?
Quarterly Town Hall meetings
Sunday morning voters meeting either between or after church services
Email/post information on our website
Board elections are June of 2018
Participation from the congregation at large as board members
Introduction to Governance and Leadership Information